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7 August 2024

FOOD SAFETY CULTURE – Understanding the Human Factor

In the August issue of FoodNZ magazine (of the NZ Institute of Food Science & Technology), p28, there is an article on why developing a food safety culture is just so important.  It’s not about systems and manuals and training courses but understanding what motivates people to do the right thing when no one is looking.  It’s also about leading from the top, and all managers showing an interest in what’s happening in the factory or processing facility.

Frank Yiannas wrote the original textbook on food safety culture and is coming to New Zealand at the end of the month to deliver a one-off training workshop on 26 and 27 August, University of Auckland Grafton campus. The New Zealand Food Safety Science & Research Centre is excited to present this priceless professional development opportunity and have kept the registration fee to a minimum at $1000 per person plus gst.  
Register at